Leading to Well-Being Conference 2015: Early Bird Rate Extended

Leading to Well-Being Conference 2015: Early Bird Rate Extended

Where can you join more than 250 managers, organizational leaders, and human resource professionals for a day of high engagement and learning?

On March 26-27, you can connect with a community of motivated professionals at George Mason University's Leading to Well-Being in Workplaces, Organizations and Communities conference.

Sessions include 

  • The Cascade Effect: How Small Wins Can Transform Your Organization, presented by Daniel Pink, bestselling author and speaker
  • How Compassion Creates Resilience, presented by Kelly McGonigal, PhD
  • Positive Relational Energy, presented by Kim Cameron, PhD
  • Fully Charging Your Work and Life, presented by Tom Rath, researcher and best-selling author
  • Rage Against the Psychological Machine: When to Deviate from the Norm, presented by Todd B. Kashdan, PhD

The Center for the Advancement of Well-Being is happy to be able to extend its early-bird discount through February 23. This is a meaningful and one-of-a-kind opportunity to learn about how adopting the science and application of well-being can enhance employees’ and members’ satisfaction, life purpose, and engagement.